Mountain Vista United Methodist Church
Daily Construction Diary
August 21, 2001

Click on pictures to enlarge

Photo A

Photo B

Photo C

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

Work today included installation of the studs for the upper wall covering the beams at the front of the sanctuary, Photo C, the framing for one of the support pillars to support the rock at the entrance, Photo A, pouring of the footing for the water meter box, Photo B, and continued installation of electrical wiring.

The cuts in 3200 West for the utilities will not be done until Thursday because the City requires 2 days notice so they can schedule an inspector to be present while the street is opened up. All the pipe and fittings for this work are on site.

At our weekly meeting on site we requested the contractor to have the work on the support system for the exterior rock proceed ahead of the delivery of the doors and windows so we can start work on the rock over the Labor Day weekend.

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